Tremor Talk
TremorTV - Interviews
Filmmaker and TremorTV CEO, Dan Myrick, best known for his groundbreaking work on "The Blair Witch Project", talks one-on-one with fellow horror/thriller filmmakers about their process, the business and everything in between.
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EPISODE 1 - Kays Al-Atrakchi
Composer/Filmmaker Kays Al-Atrakchi goes in depth about composing for films, during your own VFX and getting into the hear of DIY independent cinema.

EPISODE 2 - Ben Rock
Writer/Director Ben Rock, also known for being the Production Designer on 'The Blair Witch Project' talks about his days on Blair and what projects, namely '20 Seconds to Live', he's been doing since.

EPISODE 3 - Danny McBride
Writer of the 'Underworld' series, Danny McBride steps into the indie directing ring with his new venture. A wealth of inside information about how writers work within the studio system.

EPISODE 4 - Mike Monello
Producer and CEO of Campfire Media, Mike Monello is an award winning marketing consultant and commercial producer best known for his ground breaking viral campaigns.

EPISODE 5 - Bobby Roe
Independent writer/director Bobby Roe, ('The Houses October Built' 1 and 2) goes into his process regarding his found footage projects that push the limits of traditional filmmaking techniques.

EPISODE 6 - Jonathan Tierston
Actor/musician Jonathan Tierston best know for playing 'Ricky' in 'Sleepaway Camp' talks about his experiences on the film and his subsequent work in Hollywood.